Allied Nutrients NITAMIN


Product Overview

NITAMIN® targeted foliar nitrogen (N) is a patented, liquid nutrient source. It is designed to make some of the N immediately available for quick green-up, while reserving the rest for a steady supply of N to the turfgrass. NITAMIN® foliar fertilizer has a high N content—yet a lower salt index than a straight urea solution—which adds a critical margin of performance, efficiency and safety.


Nitamin Plant Graphic

Contains a combination triazone, methylene urea and un-reacted urea components.

  1. Patented formulation includes humectant properties which prevent rapid drying and crystallization on the leaf surface, allowing more N to be absorbed
    • • 40% lower salt index than urea solution
  2. Transforms into plant-available N by enzymes in the leaf tissue
  3. The fertilizer that makes its way into the soil helps supply N to support turfgrass growth at a consistent rate
  4. Enhances the development of a deep root system to help promote turfgrass performance throughout the growing cycle


Golf course superintendents and turfgrass managers apply NITAMIN® fertilizer to help improve plant growth and appearance for months without the need for re-application. Plus, this flexible technology provides another option to help customize your fertility programs.

  • Applied directly to the leaf surface for rapid absorption and green-up
  • Effective in both warm- and cool-season grasses
  • Excellent safety, low burn potential
  • Compatible with many turfgrass protection products
  • Promotes a denser composition and root system


Nitrate Leaching Chart

Source: John Cisar, PhD, University of Florida
Nitrate-N (mg) in leachate collected from a Bermudagrass USGA green at the FLREC in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Both NITAMIN® 30L and urea were applied in 4 split applications at 0.5 lb. N/1000 ft.2 every two weeks for a total of 2.0 lbs. N/1000 ft.2. Application dates: 5/23, 6/6, 6/21 and 7/5.

See why NITAMIN® is more effective than a standard urea solution. Although these two solutions were applied to a broadleaf plant, the explanation and visual comparisons are equally relevant when applications are made to turfgrass.